Business – Media and Advertising

Pam Beasley of NBC's The Office!Ok, well it’s really more of a press release 🙂

We got ourselves some exposure on a couple of major dailies.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer had us on last Sunday’s (18 November 2007) Business Section. Check it out on page B-2. The Philippine Star had a slightly longer article on Money Talks! – this morning (19 November 2007), also in its Business Section, on page C-2. Lovely.

We’ve been getting quite a number of inquiries for the November 24 event at The Podium. Read more about it here if you haven’t heard about it yet.

Much thanks, Inquirer and Philippine Star!

I suppose I’ve realized it’s one of my failings. I always try to get into too many things at any given time.

Take for example blogging. See, I know it’s probably a good thing to just have ONE MAIN BLOG. You know, stick to what you’re really passionate about and come up with an all-encompassing theme and just focus on JUST THAT.

After an inspiring workshop with Abe (last October 20, with Money Talks), it was supposed to be all clear- have a focus. If you want to have a blog working well for you, have a clear focus (aside from other useful tips he so generously shared).

Okay, so maybe I’ve gone a little over-enthusiastic and came up with, like, ten or twelve blogs or so. Could be more- who’s keeping track anyway?

I got one for pretty much every single facet of my 30-something lifestyle- writing, music, business, cats (lasercats!), pc gaming, tv & movies, stress management, radio, marketing- well, you get the idea.

Perhaps the best way to go about it is to consolidate the little blogs into a certain interest-group blog, and then those into one main blog.

Yikes! More blogs!

There’s no problem, I suppose, with having 50 million blogs. But you can only dedicate so much time to churning out content- which you can only post on a finite number of blogs- unless you have an entire army of keyboard monkeys on a constant mindlink to your brain at your disposal. Which is rather unlikely in most cases.

Let’s think of it now as a restructuring of sorts. Pretty much in the same way as we re-evaluate our lives every so often, the so do we re-evaluate our online lifestyle. Has to be done, right?

Good God, maybe it’s just me. Over-obsessive-at-times little ol’ me.

But what the heck. It starts today, with this blog 🙂 More later.

Hey, we all gotta start somewhere. One of the reasons why I left my last couple jobs was due to the fact that, despite having written so much about the company and stuff, I’ve hardly done any writing for myself. And man, did I have a lot of stuff to vent back then!

Anyway, I only started blogging last March- totally inspired after an invigorating trip from Singapore. Yeah, I’ve had a few friends who have already been regular bloggers at the time, but other than that- I have had no experience at blogging at all.

A friend of mine gave me a few tips to help me start out (thanks Gabby! -you can check out her blogs here). I now include those tips here, together with some of mine.

Later on, after setting up my first few blogs, I’ve ran into other bloggers- some a lot more into serious than me, others more casual- you really get all kinds, you know?

Blogology 101

Blogs start off with the idea of putting your thoughts online- think of a blog as a diary, a notebook, a bulletin board, a review column, a collection of media, or any mix thereof. The beauty is that it can be pretty much anything you want it to be.

Many people write for various reasons. Traditionally bloggers write for the purpose of informing and communicating. But a lot of bloggers do so because it makes for a great outlet to get creative, go crazy, or get into an experimental mindset.

It’s great for socializing- think of it as setting up a room online where others can visit you, and from which you can also visit others. Be a good neighbor, and you can see others be good to you and your blog when they drop by too.

So how does one start getting in on the Blogging Bandwagon?

Setting Up Your Blog Empire

For starters, let’s set up your blog. I would suggest you make use of free blog services like Blogger, WordPress or LiveJournal.

Blogger/Blogspot is a great blog service to start with, being extremely user-friendly, simple to use, and allows you a number of widgets (nice little applications you add on to your basic blog).

WordPress is also good, allowing you more applications to play with. While not as easy to use as Blogspot, it looks a great deal sharper and more professional. Also, if you plan to go professional, there’s a pretty good chance you might be using the WordPress interface, so you might as well get used to it now.

LiveJournal is great because, while it has the most simple features compared to Blogspot and WordPress, it seems to allow you the greatest deal of privacy- so you can choose who gets to view your blog.

Later on, when you’ve gained more experience and think you can handle your own hosted domain, you could choose to do so.

Good luck, and let me know how your blogs turn out!
